News - Announcements (268)
The Rodopi Chamber of Commerce and Industry participates as the Lead Partner in the European project "Empowering Businesses Seeking Growth" with the acronym "SeeG"
On Thursday, January 12, 2023, the President of the Rodopi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Aggelidis Nikolaos, granted a Press Conference in order to inform the local community about the Chamber's active participation in the European project "Empowering businesses Seeking Growth” with the acronym “SeeG”.
This initiative is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by national resources of the countries participating in the INTERREG V-A "Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020" Cooperation Programme. The project has a duration of 24 months, starting on April 26, 2021 and ending on April 25, 2023.
The goals of the “SeeG” project
As pointed out by the President, Mr. Aggelidis, the project aims to create-promote an environment that cultivates entrepreneurship and supports entrepreneurs (including start-ups), adapting services to their real needs, promoting interaction between them and with the media.
The President, among other things, stated that "Business support initiatives, such as the organization of trainings, can contribute to encouraging competition through efficiency, quality and innovation as well as the recognition of new and small businesses, as key business factors".
The actions implemented in the framework of the "SeeG" project aim, on the one hand, at the decision-making process for the creation of a new business, and on the other hand at the viability and well-being of the existing ones. In the first case, the activities are related to the strengthening of know-how, the process of creating a business idea, the ability to access financing tools, the networking opportunities, in particular the accessibility to support services, as well as the development of skills related to issues such as risk management etc. In the second case, the activities are oriented towards tools and techniques of quality and innovation as well as in the field of marketing and the promotion of the company's strategy.
What do the businesses in our area get?
Mr Aggelidis pointed out that the Rodopi Chamber of Commerce and Industry, through its participation in the European project “SeeG”, "has the opportunity of networking with business actors active in the Northern Greece and Bulgaria. In addition, it is noteworthy that local businesses have the chance to join a cycle of training and participate in an "Entrepreneurship Support Grid" as well as in "Thematic Workshops" acquiring useful know-how and ensuring not only their sustainability but also their further development".
He, also, added that an opportunity is offered to the potential entrepreneurs of the region to have a first contact with the "business world” and to learn about the process of setting up a new business, the possible obstacles as well as the financing opportunities.
80 beneficiaries in the planned actions of the Rodopi Chamber of Commerce and Industry
In total, 80 beneficiaries have joined the register to participate in the Chamber's planned actions.
In more detail, the training program started for the first 40 beneficiaries on January 9 2023 and will last until March 20, while for the remaining 40 beneficiaries the program started on January 10 and will last until March 18. The trainings will be implemented from March 21 to March 27.
Finally, the implementation of the "Thematic Workshops", starting on February 1 and ending on February 20, has already been scheduled.
INVITATION LETTER For Press-Conference, 09.02.2023, BANSKO, BULGARIA
Written by ΕΒΕΡTO
All stakeholders and entities
For Press-Conference
„Empowering businesses Seeking Growth – SeeG“ Project (subsidy contract Β6.3а.28/26.04.2021) under INTERREG V-A Greece – Bulgaria 2014-2020 Cooperation Programme
Project Empowering businesses Seeking Growth (acronym SEEG) is implemented in partnership of Chamber of Commerce & Industry of Rodopi (Greece), University of Macedonia, School of Business Administration (Greece), Economic Development Agency Bansko (Bulgaria), and Local Economic Development Agency – Razlog (Bulgaria).
In accordance with project’s aims and communication plan, we are most grateful to invite you to a Press-conference. Activities, aims, expected project results, contribution to all users, progress, strategic documents, tools for achieving goals and other useful information will be presented and discussed during the event.
The event will be held on 9th of February 2023 (Thursday) in D7a office at Apartment Hotel “Cedar Lodge 4”, town of Bansko from 10:00 AM. Administrative address is 2, Stragite str. str., 2770, Bansko, Bulgaria.
Due to the limited number and capacity of the hall, please contact us for a preliminary reservation.
The event’s agenda is attached to this letter.
If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the indicated telephone or e-mail.
Georgi Tsvetkov Lazar Lazarov
M.: +359896860750 M.: +359897094745
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
“This publication has been produced from Jargon Association and Economic development agency Bansko with the financial assistance of the European Union under the project “SeeG”, funded under Interreg V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” Cooperation Programme, co-financed by the European Union and national budgets of Republic of Greece and Republic of Bulgaria.
The publication reflects the author’s views and the Managing Authority shall not be held liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.”